3 Easy Reasons to Open a Roth IRA

In my opinion, many investors will need to open a Roth IRA for their retirement. Here are 3 reasons why. 1) To Fund Your Retirement Sorry to state the obvious. If you do not realize this already: You are on your own with your retirement. Let that sink in. You (likely) will not be getting… Continue Reading: 3 Easy Reasons to Open a Roth IRA

6 Easy Ways a Financial Advisor Can Add Value

This article is original content written by Manchester, CT Financial Advisor Thomas Scanlon, CFP®, CPA.

1) Risk Management

I know risk management is just another term for insurance. No one wants to read about insurance, much less buy more of it. Insurance however is just a way to share the risk. There are many risks we face and not all of them can be insured against. A good financial advisor will be able to articulate the risks and offer the ways to manage these risks.

2) Cash Flow

Face it, money is tight. The economy is not exactly roaring. One way a financial adviser can add value is to get a handle on your expenses. It won’t be their job to tell you what your budget is. That’s your job. A good advisor however will be able to tell you what the consequences of going off the reservation too far are. Day to day living expenses, saving for retirement and education and oh, paying for a little vacation all add up.

Continue Reading: 6 Easy Ways a Financial Advisor Can Add Value

7 Habits of Highly Effective People That Want to Retire

This article, last updated in December 2023, is original content written by Manchester, CT Financial Advisor Thomas Scanlon, CFP®, CPA.

age-old wooden trunk with treasures

1) Start Early

Do you want to increase your chances of retiring at a reasonable age? Start early. As The Rolling Stones said, “Time Is On My Side.” Well said.  Don’t kick yourself for not starting earlier. You can’t turn the clock back. Just begin where you are now.

2) Live Beneath Your Means

This goes without saying. Which is why it needs to be said. To get to your retirement, you’re going to need to have some assets and income.  Don’t fall into the trap of trying to keep up with the Joneses. Live beneath your means and get to the retirement finish line long before the Joneses.Continue Reading: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People That Want to Retire

4 Things Every Investor Can Control

This article is original content written by Manchester, CT Financial Advisor Thomas Scanlon, CFP®, CPA Investors can easily get distracted these days.  Hop in the car on the way to work, turn on the radio and get updates on the stock market futures. Check your online portfolio at work during your lunch break.  Perhaps you… Continue Reading: 4 Things Every Investor Can Control

Plan B

When we were down at the beach last summer, we pulled into a gas station to get some gas.  An old, blue, beat-up pickup truck pulled in next to us.  In the back of the truck was a small dinghy.  The name on the back of the boat was “Plan B.”  I wondered what the… Continue Reading: Plan B

3 Proven Reasons You Need a Roth IRA

This article is original content written by Manchester, CT Financial Advisor Thomas Scanlon, CFP®, CPA To be eligible for a Roth IRA you need to have earned income from wages or from self-employment.  Additionally higher income earners are not eligible.  Married couples filing a joint return with a modified adjusted gross income of less than… Continue Reading: 3 Proven Reasons You Need a Roth IRA

CNBC Quotes Tom About Maximizing Your Tax Bracket

Local Raymond James Financial Advisor Thomas F. Scanlon, CFP, CPA of Manchester, CT quoted by CNBC.com on November 25, 2022. 3 lesser-known ways to trim your 2022 tax bill or boost your refund before year-end PUBLISHED FRI, NOV 25 202212:19 PM EST BY KATE DORE FOR CNBC After nearly a year of high inflation, rising… Continue Reading: CNBC Quotes Tom About Maximizing Your Tax Bracket

The Difference Between a Roth IRA and an IRA

This article on savings during retirement is original content written by Manchester, CT Financial Advisor Thomas Scanlon, CFP®, CPA The Roth IRA and an IRA both offer different tax advantaged ways to save for retirement. If you are serious about your retirement plan take these 5 Easy Steps to Retirement. Roth IRA In 2021, investors… Continue Reading: The Difference Between a Roth IRA and an IRA